THE place online for women in music to learn from mentors and connect with like-minded female artists in a safe, judgement-free, nurturing environment

The Journey Is Hard, Don't Do it Alone

Do you struggle with loneliness. doubt. knowledge gaps. no peer group for support. no direct access to experts. relentless distractions. confusion about tools. fear of rejection?

Find Your People

The community is made up of female indie artists, just like YOU, building their fanbase & career who want to collaborate & network.

Get Focused & Inspired

As a "lone wolf", it's hard to build momentum. So we've built in systems to help you set weekly goals & report progress, share your wins & get support in hard times.

Get Accountability

Find similar artists and form an Accountability Group to encourage you and keep you on track with your goals.

Your Questions Answered

Our cafe-style, community forum is a safe place to ask music career questions & get answers from other members, community managers & Bree herself.

Monthly Live Calls With Bree, Our Team or Industry Experts

Community members told us that basing our trainings around a monthly theme helps you stay focused. We listened.

Each month, you'll have an opportunity to meet with Members and Mentors for a Live Call exploring new strategies and working through mindset blocks related to the theme. 

And we always leave time for Q&A.

what our members are saying...

Meet Your Mentor:

Bree Noble

Bree Noble is an Indie Musician, speaker, podcaster, author and established Music Industry mentor. Her vast knowledge of marketing and finance has enabled her to help countless musicians build their fanbase & make money from music.

In 2007 she founded an online radio station, Women of Substance Radio, to promote quality female artists in all genres. WOSRadio, now a podcast, is a highly respected and sought-after source of promotion for female artists, pursued by their PR agents and Record Labels. 

Drawing on her extensive experience as a musician and entrepreneur, Bree has created many courses for musicians including The Musician's Profit Path & Rock Your Next Release.

Bree has championed exclusive community to support female musicians since 2015 and LOVES working with female artists.

And Your Community Manager:

Cayla Brooke

Cayla is a Singer/Songwriter, course creator and writer. She loves self-development and helps musicians not only make great music but live life in a way that "feeds their soul."

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