THE place online for women in music to learn from mentors and connect with like-minded female artists in a safe, judgement-free, nurturing environment

The Journey Is Hard, Don't Do It Alone

Do you struggle with loneliness. doubt. knowledge gaps. no peer group for support. no direct access to experts. relentless distractions. confusion about tools. fear of rejection?

In the Female Musician Academy 2.0, you will:

Find Your People

The community is made up of female indie artists, just like YOU, building their fanbase & career who want to collaborate & network.

Get Focused & Inspired

As a "lone wolf", it's hard to build momentum. So we've built in systems to help you set weekly goals & report progress, share your wins & get support in hard times.

Get Accountability

Find similar artists and form an Accountability Group to encourage you and keep you on track with your goals.

Have Questions Answered

Our cafe-style, community forum is a safe place to ask music career questions & get answers from other members, community managers & Bree herself.

Plus Get Access to Exclusive Classes

As a member, you'll have access to exclusive classes from industry experts. Classes are added weekly and they are self-paced so you can tackle them when you want to!

Set Your Music Business Up Right

Whether you're just starting your music business or a seasoned pro, this class will serve as a great baseline for the proper business set-up, cash management, budgeting, and cash flow.

Selling More At Live Shows

Exactly as the name suggests, we'll give you tips and tricks to maximize your selling power at shows, including which items your fans are looking for.

Make More Money From Things You're Already Doing

Learn how to increase profits from things you are already spending time on in your business. Our exclusive worksheets will help you re-engineer your income so you can scale up.

Profitable House Concerts

This multi-part class breaks down what to do before the concert (think planning, booking and marketing), the day of the concert (set up, how to give a killer performance), collecting money (ticket-based or donation-based concerts), plus an action plan to get the ball rolling with your planning.

Find, Hire & Train A Rockstar Assistant

If you are ready to add to your team, this is the perfect class for you! In it, you'll learn how to find, hire and train your perfect assistant. We also give you sample job descriptions, ads and contracts so you'll hit the ground running when you start looking for an assistant.

Profitable Live-Streaming with Tara B.

Learn how to make the most money possible with live-streaming expert Tara B. She will walk you through best practices including which platforms to use, promotion, your live-stream set-up, content planning, and more!

Money Magnet Masterclass

In this 2-part masterclass, you'll learn how to become a money magnet, how to have the confidence you need to receive the money you deserve and how to create compelling offers people can't resist.

Profitable Black Friday Promotions

Looking for something to surge your music business' bottom line? This course will show you how to create a profitable offer and market it using the "whole enchilada" strategy. We even give you a promotional schedule and email templates.

Tracking Progress & Profit

We'll supply you with a profit tracker and show you how to use it so you can review trends and know what's working (and what's not working) in your music business.

Maximize Tax Deductions & Profit

Learn which tax deductions to take in your music business so you end each year with maximum profit.

Profit Power

In this 2-part class, you'll learn how to rewrite your personal money conditioning so you can reclaim your power over money.

Profitable Goal Setting

Learn how to set and achieve goals that lead to financial success in your music business.

Plan Your Breakthrough Year

This course aims to help musicians set ambitious goals, overcome obstacles and make meaningful progress in their first year of business.

Time Management for Musicians

Learn tips and tricks on how to best manage your time in your music business so you can spend more time creating music.

The Conference Market for Musicians

Learn how to tap into the lucrative Conference Market so you can get in front of bigger audiences with your Keynote Concert.

Strategic Single Releases

Don't release an entire album at once! Learn how often to release singles and how to make the most of each release to create release momentum without burn-out.

ChatGPT for Musicians

Learn how to use AI effectively in your musician business for a variety of tasks like creating images, captions for social media, writing emails and much, much more.

Pump Up Your PR

This course is designed to empower musicians with the tools, strategies, and knowledge to effectively manage and enhance public relations.

Did we mention we have monthly meetings?

Our members meet monthly on live calls with Bree, our team or industry experts.

Community members told us that basing our trainings around a monthly theme helps you stay focused. We listened.

Each month, you'll have an opportunity to meet with Members and Mentors for a Live Call exploring new strategies and working through mindset blocks related to the theme. 

And we always leave time for Q&A.

Meet Your Mentor:

Bree Noble

Bree Noble is an Indie Musician, speaker, podcaster, author and established Music Industry mentor. Her vast knowledge of marketing and finance has enabled her to help countless musicians build their fanbase & make money from music.

In 2007 she founded an online radio station, Women of Substance Radio, to promote quality female artists in all genres. WOSRadio, now a podcast, is a highly respected and sought-after source of promotion for female artists, pursued by their PR agents and Record Labels. 

Drawing on her extensive experience as a musician and entrepreneur, Bree has created many courses for musicians including The Musician's Profit Path & Rock Your Next Release.

Bree has championed exclusive community to support female musicians since 2015 and LOVES working with female artists.

And Your Community Manager:

Cayla Brooke

Cayla is a Singer/Songwriter, course creator and writer. She loves self-development and helps musicians not only make great music but live life in a way that "feeds their soul."

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